Hello, I am copying a manuscript that uses volta repeats. The first measure is a upbeat (partial 4).
I get the expected result. I looks like the manuscript. I also want to use the MIDI playback to get an impression how it will sound. Unfortunately I get PartialRepeat1.ly:65:31: warning: barcheck failed at: 1/2 <d b'>4 <b g'> r8. <d b'>16 | if the MIDI output is enabled. Why do I get the warning only for MIDI output and how can I avoid it? Best regards, Helge \version "2.20.0" \language "deutsch" \header { title = "Pastorale" composer = "Georg Friedrich Händel" } % set as br={} if you don't want original line breaks br=\break upper = \relative c' { \key b \major \numericTimeSignature \time 3/4 \partial 4 \repeat volta 2 { <f b d f>4\f | R2.*5 \br R2.*2 <d b'>4(\> <c a'>)\! } \repeat volta 2 { <c f a c>4\f | R2. \br R2.*5 \br R2.*4 \br % page 2 R2.*3 } \alternative { { <c a'>4 <d b'> } { <c a'>4 <d b'> r } } \br <d b'>4 <b g'> r8. <d b'>16 | R2.*3 \br R2.*3 \acciaccatura { c,16 f } b16 a g f f2 | } \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "upper" \with { midiInstrument = "orchestral harp" } \upper >> \layout { } % \midi { } }