Awesome I will take a look although i am using version 2.22.1

On May 13, 2021 6:19:25 PM GMT+02:00, David Kastrup <> wrote:
> writes:
>> On 2021-05-13 10:45, Jacques Menu wrote:
>>> Hello Darkijah,
>>> In order to be able to help you, we need so-called Minimum Working
>>> Examples, exhibiting the problem in as much isolation as possible.
>>> I’d advise you to start with much simpler examples, so as to grasp
>>> the look and feel of working with LilyPond.
>>> A nice day!
>>> JM
>> Yea, I will further look into things as time goes - I am totally green
>> so I should wait for further experience on reporting bugs.
>> I think I am doing pretty good with toying around with Lilypond :) As
>> far as I am enjoying myself doing it and building things - everything
>> is good. I am now looking into getting Flute images working, I would
>> think it is possible to have a active script make it automatically
>> with the holes like the Color script. Anyone have something I can look
>> into that has already been made, so I can fine tune it for my own use
>> and others? I would think Lilypond should be able to automaticalle
>> fill the holes in the flute for a specific note so one does not need
>> to fill it every single time. That would be very helpful.
>Not flutes at all.  But maybe this may provide some food for thought?
>Different diagram type, homebrewn.  This will not run in recent LilyPond
>without using convert-ly -ed on the file.  But I don't know how recent
>the version is you are using, so I include the unconverted version.
>It at least shows the kind of "automatism" you asked about, though with
>a regular key layout.

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