Le 12/05/2021 à 11:39, Matthew Munro a écrit :
Greetings, all. I have searched for help on this and failed to find. Please would someone tell me how to suppress automatic repetition of spanner text (where the spanner reaches a new line)? Repetition appears to be the default. I have not seen such repetition in my sheet music (except for ottava markings) and, now that I am writing my own music, the repetition has a tendency to interfere with my paradigm. I am happy for the spanner’s dashes to continue from line to line, but I would like a way to switch off the repetition of text. By the way... Checking my sheet music just now, I noticed (in Ravel) that there is another method for spanning text: breaking up the words into letters or groups of letters, to make the words last throughout the span. Does Lilypond have any facility for this? Best wishes, Matthew
Hello, To suppress the repetition, adjust bound-details.left-broken.text, which by default is taken from bound-details.left.text. \version "2.22.0" { c1 \tweak bound-details.left.text "Crescendo poco a poco" \tweak bound-details.left-broken.text "" \startTextSpan \repeat unfold 20 { c1 } 1\stopTextSpan } There is currently no proper way to intersperse words throughout a text spanner. A clever workaround was suggested by David Kastrup on issue 3373 (https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/3373): \version "2.22.0" \new Score \with { \override SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 3 } << \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic \override LyricHyphen.dash-period = 3 \override LyricHyphen.Y-offset = #-0.5 Crescendo1 -- poco -- a -- poco } { c1 1 1 1 } >> Best regards, Jean