On Thursday 21 April 2005 05:29 am, you wrote:

> \newsavebox{\music}
> \savebox{\music}{\lilypond[fragment]{c d e f}}
> \section{\usebox{\music}}

That works very well, and it is a solution for one line of
lilypond music.  But this:

\savebox{\music}{\lilypond[fragment]{c d e f \break c d e f}}

does not work.  Latex wants to insert a "}" at the end of
the line.  If I tell it not to do so in its interactive
phase it puts two lines of music, clefs, measure numbers
and all on a single line.

This comes close to the right result, setting a line width in
the .ly file, but for some reason the lines
do not reach the left edge.  I can get additional indention of the
first line, but what good is that?:


There is no default indention any more in 1.4.5, which is unfortunate.
Is that a bug?

The practical problem is that it doesn't help if almost all of the
examples are on a single line.  Consistent numbering is impossible if
*any* of the examples are more than one line long.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your help.  daveA

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daveA         David Raleigh Arnold          dra..at..openguitar.com

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