I'm seeing an issue if I change time signatures during a percent repeat. Let's start with a 3 bar snare drum phrase
\version "2.22.0" snareline = \drummode { \time 3/8 sn8[ sn sn] \time 2/4 sn8[ sn sn sn] \time 4/4 sn8[ sn sn sn] sn[ sn sn sn] } \score { << \new DrumStaff << \snareline >> >> } If I decide to do a percent repeat of the first 2 bars, Lilypond returns an error \version "2.22.0" snareline = \drummode { \repeat percent 2 { \time 3/8 sn8[ sn sn] \time 2/4 sn8[ sn sn sn] } \time 4/4 sn8[ sn sn sn] sn[ sn sn sn] } \score { << \new DrumStaff << \snareline >> >> } At the beginning of the 4/4 bar, I get warning: mid-measure time signature without \partial If I make the two bars into one 7/8 bar there's no issue.