Le 20/04/2021 à 16:59, Valentin Petzel a écrit :
Hello David, That is a very different thing. with-outline simply tells the outputter to use a different stencil for calculating the skylines of a stencil. The problem here is that Lilypond relies on the stencil basically telling it’s extent. The problem Harm has is that this extent might be smaller than the actual size of the printed symbol. So Harm is looking for a way to determine the acutal printed size of a symbol. And no, Lilypond does not draw this stuff internally. I mean, Lilypond relies on Ghostscript to draw it’s output. If Lilypond wanted to do this, it would need it’s own PostScript interpreter.
Hello Valentin, Compile the file #(ly:set-option 'debug-skylines) { c'^\f } and I think you will realize you are wrong. Skylines are a concept of LilyPond,not PostScript. The skylines are determined algorithmically and used foraccurate spacing of the music. LilyPond doesn't need to understand PostScript for that: it has its own internal representation of stencils, and the fonts are not PostScript. The problem is that there are no Scheme-accessible interfaces for dealing with skylines. The smobification is superficial, and I think it's for performance, because skyline construction takes up a non-negligible part of the compilation time. Regards, Jean