You mean that it just prints / | | | \
instead of / || || || \ ?
I don't know of any simple solution for that, maybe it should be considered a bug. At least it's something that remains in the latest versions as well.
I really recommend you to upgrade to the latest stable version 2.4.x as soon as possible, since it has improved significantly compared to 2.0. Also, since almost nobody on the mailing list uses 2.0, it will be hard to get relevant answers.
Ron Piterman wrote:
××××× Ron Piterman:
××××× Mats Bengtsson:
Do you mean like in
Yes, is it possible in 2.0 ?
Ok - I get the StaffGroup right, only lily does not paint the normal line, I guess because there is only one stave - so it looks kind of funny.
Can I make lily do that?
Ron Piterman wrote:
I write an extract of Celli+Bass, wo I would like the staff to have a "barline" before the cleff, on the left-most side, with some decoration, like it comes in the score.
I am using Lily 2.0 and was searching the docu, and could not find anything, regarding this.
Will be greatfull for a tip...
Cheers, Ron
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