Am Do., 8. Apr. 2021 um 19:26 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra <>: > > > Well, I need correct skylines, at least when it comes to Script, > > TextScript, Fingerings etc > It should only remove the note heads' contribution > to skylines: > > #(ly:set-option 'debug-skylines) > > { > \override NoteHead.vertical-skylines = ##f > \override = ##t > c'''1^"Text" > c'''1 > } > > Of course, this has a collision, but I think that > the glissandi in your case should make for > reasonable skylines.
Nope, see: #(ly:set-option 'debug-skylines #t) { b'2\glissando \once \override NoteColumn.glissando-skip = ##t \override NoteHead.vertical-skylines = ##f \override = ##t c'''2^! c'''2 } > > I'll study the section. > > For some other details I may have some suggestions. > > Do you prefer a (private) mail or issue/MR at GitLab? > As you prefer, depending on whether you would > like the discussion to be public or not. I do > not mind either way. Thanks in advance for your > feedback. Will do. Thanks, Harm