Le 02/04/2021 à 12:03, Viktor Mastoridis a écrit :
\version "2.20.0"
\relative c'' {
\override NoteHead.font-name = #"Ubuntu"
a b c d}
If I try to change the font.name <http://font.name> in EasyHeads, the
stem gets to the middle of the note-head (see attached image).
And Lilypond says: "none of note heads `noteheads.s' or `noteheads.d'
Any clues?
This qualifies as a bug -- I am forwarding your report to the bug list.
Here is a workaround:
\version "2.22.0"
\relative c'' {
\override NoteHead.font-name = "Ubuntu"
\override NoteHead.stem-attachment = #'(1.05 . 0)
a b c d
Technically, the problem is that ly:note-head::calc-stem-attachment
uses the glyph that would be printed without \easyHeadsOn, and
the font-size override confuses that code since note heads require
a music font.