On 2021-03-31 12:12 pm, Callum Cassidy-Nolan wrote:
Could you explain why 6 usually corresponds to the pitch B and not
B does not always mean B natural. In systems where H is a note, B is
the name for B flat. The documentation here is perhaps a little
misleading in that it implies the implementation is doing something
Also I am new to Scheme and still trying to wrap my head around your
original function:
#(define (: n)
(cons (1- (floor (/ n 12)))
(list-ref `((0 0) (0 ,SHARP) (1 0) (1 ,SHARP)
(2 0) (3 0) (3 ,SHARP) (4 0)
(4 ,SHARP) (5 0) (5 ,SHARP) (6 0))
(modulo n 12)))))
Here is my best guess, for each element in the following list - apply
the function make-pitch to each element.
There is no "for each" going on here. apply lets you call a procedure
and supply the arguments as a list. Consider:
(apply proc '(1 2 3))
; ...is equivalent to...
(proc 1 2 3)
Upon reflection, I did not need to use cons to form the argument list.
apply also supports this pattern:
(apply proc 1 '(a b))
; ...is equivalent to...
(proc 1 'a 'b)
The reason I need to use apply at all is because I need to customize the
second and third arguments based on the input index n, and I wanted to
avoid duplicating logic.
floor (/ n 12 ): is representing how many octaves fit into this
number? Why do you subtract this number from one?
The Scheme expression (1- n) must not be confused with the algebraic (1
- n) [which would be written in Scheme as (- 1 n)]. The procedures 1+
and 1- are the increment and decrement operations. So what I am doing
is subtracting one from the number, not the other way around.
The reason for this is simply to follow existing LilyPond convention.
The unadorned note { c } is (ly:make-pitch -1 0 0). To get Middle C,
you need to say { c' } which puts you in octave 0.
The list-ref thing is choosing one of the elements from that list ,
but I don't fully understand what an arbitrary element from that list
actually is, for example what does (3, SHARP) mean?
These are the second and third arguments for ly:make-pitch. So using (3
,SHARP) results in F#.
NOTE: As you are new to Scheme, the comma can be an unexpected item.
The original list uses a feature called quasi-quotation. This is
indicated by the leading backtick (`) as opposed to a straight quote (')
which is the shorthand for normal quoting. Quasi-quoting lets you
"unquote" by using the comma. Since we need the value of SHARP, not its
name as a symbol, this is useful. Consider:
'(3 SHARP) ;; => (list 3 (quote SHARP))
`(3 ,SHARP) ;; => (list 3 1/2)
I could avoid quasi-quoting by defining the list as follows:
'((0 0) (0 1/2) (1 0) (1 1/2) (2 0) (3 0)
(3 1/2) (4 0) (4 1/2) (5 0) (5 1/2) (6 0))
But then one wonders what the magic 1/2 means. Technically, I should
have used ,NATURAL in place of zero in the original list since that is
also a magic number.
-- Aaron Hill