Hey, - thanks for the idea, but after some thought, I'm afraid it won't work. Glissandi don't seem to be the right tool anyway since in the regular staff I'd have to hide it, and when I'd need a real 'glissando' as glissando, I'd have to unhide it. I'm sure it would end up being a real mess, certainly when someone else would edit the file later on.
I've already tried to find a way to achieve a regular line as sustain line, if that can be rotated or adjusted, but I only found three styles, text, bracket and mixed. Is there a way to change it in a regular line and adjust the angle? Using a sustain pedal-line would be more appropriate because that I could consistently hide in the regular staff. And that is what these lines represent anyway. Guitarists, nor lutists use it in a regular staff anyway, as far as I know, so it could easily be hidden in the regular staff. -My solution for the dots does not seem to be good after all. I've added the "New_fingering_engraver" to the tabstaff and modified the strokefinger to show a dot. At first it worked, but when applying it in chords, I get this error: programming error: no side-axis setting found for grob StrokeFinger. When the Tabstaff is commented out, lilypond does not complain. When used on a single note (in the chord, or at a standalone note) lilypond doesn't complain either. My guess is that TabStaff can't completely handle fingering, at least not right hand fingering because normally we don't add fingeringnotation in a tabstaff. Or maybe I have to add another 'consists' that I'm not aware of? I've added the .ly file in attachment so everyone can see what I'm trying to achieve (I've omitted the glissando for now). - This leads me to a third issue I had, but somewhat solved: the font. To get the right appearance you must have the font installed (= the 'somewhat' :-) ). It probably will fallback to a default font if you don't have it. Today I discovered Musescore appears to have similar fonts for lute tablature. If french tablature letters can be included in lilyponds default font, maybe these might be an interesting starting point. Grtz, Bart https://esmiltania.be On Twitter <https://twitter.com/Bart_Issimo> On Google+ <https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116379400376517483499/> Op do 25 mrt. 2021 om 20:10 schreef Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr>: > > Le 24/03/2021 à 23:02, bart deruyter a écrit : > > hello all, > I've continued working on my tablature for 4-course renaissance guitar. > - I've got the old-style rhythm notation, the letters by using a specific > font (could we get these types of letters implemented in lilypond's default > font? I guess lute players would feel very happy about it too.) > - I've got the dots in stroke-finger notation. > - So far only the diagonal lines are a real puzzle to me. > [image: image.png] > Deciphering tablatures I understood that sustained notes are described > with these lines. Here the note on fret 'c' rings until the note on fret > 'a' is played. > > I've tried to implement them by using glissandi, but I'd have to adjust > the start and endpoint to get them to look right if it's the right thing to > use. > I haven't found it in the manual yet to adjust the glissando line. Does > anyone here have an idea? > They're not meant to represent sustained notes of course, but I haven't > found another line that would better suit the purpose. > Would it be possible to modify piano sustain markings and use them in > tablature for this purpose? Or is there some other type of 'line' I could > use or even create? > > thanks in advance, > > Bart > > > Something like this? > > \version "2.22.0" > > { > \hideNotes > c'1\tweak bound-details.left.Y -1 > \tweak bound-details.right.Y 0 > \glissando > d'1 > } > > See http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.22/Documentation/internals/glissando > > If you provide details for those who don't understand renaissance > tablature notation, we can probably implement something more automatic. > > Best, > Jean >
\version "2.20.0" %A dot instead of letter as strokefinger dot = \markup \bold \fontsize #'4 {"."} RHd = \rightHandFinger \dot music = \relative c' { <c e-\RHd g-\RHd >2 <<{ a8 b' c_\RHd fis} \\ {a,,4. }>> } rhythm = { \override NoteColumn.X-offset = #-0.7 g,4 g16 s s s } \score { << \new Staff { \time 2/4 \hide StringNumber \hide StrokeFinger \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn \music } \new RhythmicStaff \with { \time 2/8 \remove "Staff_symbol_engraver" \omit Clef \omit TimeSignature % fontSize = #-1 \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 4) (minimum-distance . 3) (padding . .5)) % \override NoteHead.style = #'petrucci \override NoteHead.transparent = ##t \override Flag.stencil = #old-straight-flag }{ \scaleDurations 2 \rhythm } \new TabStaff \with { tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format %instaff stroke finger symbol \consists "New_fingering_engraver" \override StrokeFinger.staff-padding = #'() %no need for stringnumbers in tabstaff \hide StringNumber \override TabNoteHead.whiteout = ##f \override TabNoteHead.before-line-breaking = #(lambda (grob) (if (not (< (ly:grob-property grob 'Y-offset) -4)) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'Y-offset (+ (ly:grob-property grob 'Y-offset) 0.5)))) \omit Clef \override TabNoteHead.font-name = "LeRoy" \hide TimeSignature } { \override Beam.concaveness = #10000 \transpose c c, { \music} } >> \layout { indent = 0 \context { \TabStaff stringTunings = \stringTuning <g, c e a > fretLabels = #'("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "k" "l") } } }