Hi there! Is this group where I can get help to get Lilypond up and running?
I installed LP, opened it and got to the 'Welcome to LilyPond' screen. I
followed the instructions and created a copy of the file on the desktop and
dragged the file onto the LilyPond icon but no pdf file got created.
Instead I got  a test.log and a test-tmp-9016347 file on the desktop. I
opened the log file and it had the following in it...

Processing `C:/Users/frmau/Desktop/test.ly'
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Converting to `/Users/frmau/Desktop/test.pdf'...

Ant idea how to get it going?
OS: Windows 10


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