Le 24/03/2021 à 15:15, Peter Crighton a écrit :
Hello all,
I am working on some chord charts, sheet music that only includes one
ChordNames context. See the reduced example below.
I am now running into a problem when using the multi-mark-engraver
in order to have multiple rehearsal marks at the same time. As I in my
template use \override RehearsalMark.outside-staff-priority = ##f to
have all marks appear at the same vertical level (relative to the
chord symbols) and the multi-mark-engraver also in some way works with
outside-staff-priority, using the two together results in the error
Wrong type argument in position 1: #f.
Any ideas on how to get this working together? A change to the
multi-mark-engraver I could apply? A good alternative to
multi-mark-engraver? Another way to vertically level rehearsal marks
other than through disabling outside-staff-priority?
If you want marks aligned on the same level exactly, why not put them in
the same markup altogether?
\mark \markup { \bold A some more text }
Then you don't need the multi-mark-engraver.