> On 20 Mar 2021, at 21:49, Francesco Petrogalli 
> <francesco.petroga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a command that allows me to set the size of the text font and
> the note fonts to a value that would result in printing the content on
> an a5 paper with the same aspect of an a4 print? I know there is a
> command that does that for the music font, but at the moment I seem to
> have to investigate building values and ratios for the fonts out of
> the size of the paper?
> Kind regards,
> Francesco

Why not take a PDF file produced to fit on an A4 page and use the printer 
software to fit it to an A5 page?

I’ve just done this using the Acrobat Reader on my iMac, using the “Page Setup” 
option to choose A5.



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