Hi Lilyponders,

Andrew, I feel your pain. I offered to help Urs a number of times but he
was way out of my league with the coding side of things and I was virtually
useless to help.

I use the Edition Engraver and Scholarly sporadically. What I think is that
Urs was way ahead of most of us, and he had projects and needs that most of
us don't. I would like to see all his work continue because I think it's
amazing and Lilypond is far better suited to some of those high-level
demands and projects than the other engraving software.

Other than share a virtual beer with you and sympathise I don't know what
else I can do to help.

All the best,


On Fri, 12 Mar 2021 at 03:12, Damian leGassick <damianlegass...@mac.com>

> Hi Andrew
> I was just waiting for an update (and feeling your pain about the server)
> before using OLL in a ‘real’ project. I’ve gotten familiar with most of it
> now and it is certainly worth keeping alive. I would use it but I worry
> about fragility. My python skills are too limited for the deeper tasks, but
> my offer for testing and documentation help stands.
> I hope that more help is forthcoming - it does strike me as too big for
> one person.
> Best
> Damian
> > On 10 Mar 2021, at 22:21, Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello All,
> >
> > Some time ago I took over the management of the Openlilylib project from
> Urs Liska, who was forced to cease the work for personal reasons. I created
> a server to host a new website, a Git repository and a Discourse forum and
> Openlilylib specific mailing list. The old git repository remains
> untouched, but it is no longer taking pull requests. I was in the process
> of refactoring the whole git repo to make it easier to use, but have not
> yet completed that work.
> >
> > To cut to the point, in a moment of complete stupidity I deleted the
> server this was running on without thinking to take a backup of the OLL
> systems. So the work has currently been put on hold until I make a new
> server and setup all the work again. Sadly, nobody has noticed the loss of
> the website or forum, which did have a few members, so I wonder if this is
> worth pursuing anyway.
> >
> > Just letting you know where we are with OpenLilyLib.
> >
> > If anybody else is interested in taking over the work, please write and
> let me know.
> >
> >
> > Andrew
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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