
How do you manage enharmonics? Is the black key between C and D a C sharp or D 
flat? Unless the music is completely tonal, I'd have thought you spent more 
time adjusting the accidentals than simply inputting the music from the 
computer keyboard. But I may be wrong. Certainly in the song I was transcribing 
both accidentals are used in profusion.

And how does it manage durations? I didn't see anything on the menu to imply 
that you could set the tempo, so how does it know what value a beat has?. I 
don't have a keyboard to experiment with, though, and with Covid around it's 
not practicable to borrow one.

And can one input a piano piece (as opposed to a single voice)? Two hands, lots 
of splitting into separate voices.

Years ago I read a paper by Christopher Longuet-Higgins who managed to get a 
computer to analyse a single melody and work out which black notes were sharps 
and which were flats. I seem to remember that it got the cor anglais solo from 
the opening of the 3rd act of 'Tristan und Isolde' right except for one note 
which, to be fair, Wagner could have notated either way. But it's not a trivial 

Best regards,


> ------------------------------

> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2021 11:53:51 -0400
> From: Ralph Palmer <>
> To: Kieren MacMillan <>
> Cc: Carl Sorensen <>, Flaming Hakama by Elaine
>         <>,  Lilypond-User Mailing List
>         <>
> Subject: Re: MIDI input [was Re: Nested transposition]
> Message-ID:
>         <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

> On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 9:14 PM Kieren MacMillan <
>> wrote:

>> Hi Carl!

>> >> My music entry is done 99% by MIDI input, so I type almost no commas or
>> apostrophes.
>> > Can you tell me how you do your MIDI input?  I'd like to do that, but I
>> don't have a good workflow for it.

>> 1. I use Frescobaldi.

> Wow. I missed this somehow. I can see why you use absolute values
> exclusively, Kieren. I'm almost exclusively transcribing and transposing
> fiddle tunes. I do a lot of entry from sheet music, and do a lot of
> proofreading, then transposing. Not terribly complicated, but valuable to
> me. Relative entry works much better for me than absolute entry. I can
> input the tune in treble clef, proofread it, and transpose to alto clef
> with fewer than 10 keystrokes.

> All the best,

> Ralph

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