At 11:17 19/02/2021 -0500, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
At 15:35 19/02/2021 +0000, Peter Toye wrote:
Is there an accepted way of notating an ottava sign for only part of a staff? I have a two-handed chord of which the LH part needs to be an octave lower than notated, but the RH part is at pitch.

I realise that this isn't really a LilyPond question but a general music engraving one (it may turn into a LilPond question depending on the answer, though)..

Do you have "Behind Bars" by Elaine Gould? It's kind of the definitive starting place for all such questions --- and an essential (I believe) addition to any engraver's library.

And the answer is on page 325:

"An octave sign applies to all parts on a stave. A note written with an octave transposition should not share a stave with a note to be played simultaneously at pitch (_loco_) if there is a feasible alternative layout. Transfer either the _ottava_ or the _loco_ pitches to another stave. If necessary, add a third stave for this.

Where there is not room for a third stave, the occasional octave-transposed note may be placed in the same stave as notes played at pitch, provided that the extent of the octave transposition is absolutely clear. For clarification, extend a dotted line vertically to encompass occasional octave-transposed pitches; for occasional notes written at pitch, extend a horizontal dotted line after _loco_ for the relevant duration."

Brian Barker

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