On Thu 11 Feb 2021 at 17:00:33 (-0600), Luke Bang wrote: > I just installed lilypond and according to the website I see that there's a > lilypond-book executable I can run in the Windows version. > I don't see this in the /usr/bin directory, but I do see some other file by > the name lilypond-book which is not an executable. Am I missing something?
A listing of the directory might help. For linux, that looks like: $ ls … lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 67 abc2ly -> /…/lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64/bin/lilypond-wrapper.python3 lrwxrwxrwx 67 convert-ly -> /…/lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64/bin/lilypond-wrapper.python3 lrwxrwxrwx 67 etf2ly -> /…/lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64/bin/lilypond-wrapper.python3 -rwxr-x--- 180 lilypond lrwxrwxrwx 67 lilypond-book -> /…/lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64/bin/lilypond-wrapper.python3 lrwxrwxrwx 65 lilypond-invoke-editor -> /…/lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64/bin/lilypond-wrapper.guile -rwxr-x--- 555 lilypond-wrapper.guile -rwxr-x--- 557 lilypond-wrapper.python3 lrwxrwxrwx 67 midi2ly -> /…/lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64/bin/lilypond-wrapper.python3 lrwxrwxrwx 67 mup2ly -> /…/lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64/bin/lilypond-wrapper.python3 lrwxrwxrwx 67 musicxml2ly -> /…/lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64/bin/lilypond-wrapper.python3 -rwxr-x--- 874 uninstall-lilypond $ So almost all the programs that one commands are symlinks to wrapper scripts that ensure the correct library versions are used. (The number are "file" sizes.) Cheers, David.