David, Of course! My eyesight's not too good and I misread the suggested directory name. Thanks.
Best regards, Peter mailto:lilyp...@ptoye.com www.ptoye.com ------------------------- Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 10:01:23 PM, David Wright wrote: > On Tue 09 Feb 2021 at 16:42:58 (+0000), Peter Toye wrote: >> I'm trying to get up to date with Lilypond, not having used it for several >> months, so downloaded version 22.0. >> My OS is Windows 10 Home 64-bit. >> When I clicked on the .exe file, I was told that there was an existing >> installation (fair enough, I've got 3 versions already on my machine) and >> I'd have to uninstall it. I don't remember this happening before - is this a >> new feature? I don't want to uninstall older versions of LP as I might need >> them again. > Perhaps you tried to install it in the same location as one of the > other versions. The linux version's installation script gives you > a --prefix option for its location, and I expect the .exe gives > you the same functionality in some manner. > If you create a symlink somewhere in your PATH that points to the > favoured version, "lilypond" will run that version; other can be > run by giving (clicking on) an appropriate specific path to the > executable. > Cheers, > David.