The code below gives me what I want but gives me a warning.

warning: already have a volta spanner, ending that one prematurely

I'm thinking I need to add (volta #f) to the 2nd repeatCommands string but If so my scheme is weak enough that I don't know how to add it.

TIA for any help with this,


\version "2.23.0"

voltaFine = \markup\sans\caps{Fine Ending}
voltaCont = \markup\sans\caps{To Cont.}

\relative {
  f''4 g a b
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list(list 'volta voltaFine))
  g4 a g a c1 \bar "|."
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list(list 'volta voltaCont))
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))
  \bar "||"

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