On 1/31/21 2:52 AM, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote:
Am Sonntag, dem 31.01.2021 um 02:49 -0700 schrieb Paul Scott:
On 1/31/21 1:45 AM, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote:
Am Sonntag, dem 31.01.2021 um 17:34 +0900 schrieb 田村淳:
Hello Jonas,
2021/01/31 17:20、Jonas Hahnfeld <hah...@hahnjo.de>のメール:
Am Sonntag, dem 31.01.2021 um 16:10 +0900 schrieb 田村淳:
Dear List.
LilyPond 2.22.0 exits with error for one of my projects.
Starting lilypond 2.22.0 [RV_381+BWV_980_score.ly]...
Processing `/Users/tamura/Documents/LilyPond/Vivaldi RV 381 +
Bach BWV 980/RV_381+BWV_980_score.ly'
Interpreting music...
Exited with return code 11.
In order to obtain more information, I used —log=DEBUG (in
Frescobaldi “Engrave (custom)…”. Then the project compiled fine
with no error.
Hm, very weird. Are you sure that both compilations used the very
path, ie maybe the working one uses a wrapper script that sets some
'magic' environment variables needed to find the right libraries?
Also, can you reproduce this on the command line, outside of
Frescobaldi? If this happens also in a terminal, the next step
would be
to get a stacktrace so that we can see where it's crashing. Are you
familiar with a debugger to get such information?
It is quite weird. I’ve added a bit more notes to the project and now
the problem is gone. I can’t reproduce the error anymore.
Was it reproducible before the added notes? Might not happen every
time, could be 1 compilation out of 10 or so if it's related to garbage
collection. Can you rewind to the input file that crashed?
I haven’t tried outside of Frescobaldi. I used Frescobaldi’s “Engrave
(Custom)…” with nothing in the “Additional Command Line Options;” vs.
“—log=DEBUG” in it.
Okay, so no difference in wrapper scripts then...
I've had the same problem from time to time. It's always been
reproducible but goes away when I add something.
I always use the latest development version (or the latest stable
version for those brief periods when it is the latest version).
I don't use any wrapper software. I just edit with Emacs and run from a
terminal (using Make most of the time).
AFAICT a MWE never fails.
If you have something that you're able to share (privately if needed),
I'd be happy to take a look...
I believe the problem has always been a segfault. Since adding
something has always solved the problem I don't have anything to show.
Since adding something has