Le 30/01/2021 à 07:59, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
Thanks a lot!

Note that `spanner-broken` is an internal property, not to be modified
by the user.  A search in the code yields the command
`\breakDynamicSpan` as user syntax – introduced more than 10 years ago
in version 2.13.23...  I will document that soon.


Unfortunately, it doesn't cover the case where a dynamic mark is
immediately followed by a hairpin:

     <>^\markup { \typewriter "e''2\\f\\> f2\\p" }
     e''2\f\> f2\p | \break

     <>^\markup { \typewriter "e''2\\f\\breakDynamicSpan\\> f2\\p"
                  (doesn't work) }
     e''2\f\breakDynamicSpan\> f2\p | \break

     <>^\markup { \typewriter "e''2\\f\\> f2\\breakDynamicSpan\\p"
                  (works) }
     e''2\f\> f2\breakDynamicSpan\p | \break

Can this be fixed easily?  This is, making the hairpin listen to a
`BreakDynamicSpanEvent` at the creation time of a
`DynamicLineSpanner`?  It's probably a special case, since the dynamic
mark *should* influence the horizontal position of the hairpin's
starting point.

At least I have not found a way to fix it easily :-(


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