Oops, missed a couple of curly braces:

\context DrumStaff = "bongo"
                \override StaffSymbol.line-count = #2
                drumStyleTable = #bongos-style
                instrumentName = \markup { Bongo }
                shortInstrumentName = \markup { Bng. }
                boh4 bol boh bol

Am Mi., 27. Jan. 2021 um 16:31 Uhr schrieb Martín Rincón Botero <

> Well, I don't use the RhythmicStaff for bongos and wouldn't recommend it
> either. What I use looks something like this:
> \context DrumStaff = "bongo"
>             \with
>             {
>                 \override StaffSymbol.line-count = #2
>                 drumStyleTable = #bongos-style
>                 instrumentName = \markup { Bongo }
>                 shortInstrumentName = \markup { Bng. }
>             }
>             \drummode
>                 {
>                 boh4 bol boh bol
>                 }
> Perhaps you'll find this esthetically pleasing as well ;-). With this
> setup I haven't had any issues with MIDI. You don't even have to manually
> select any MIDI instrument or do any extra configuration. At least for me,
> this "just works" and is notationally correct.
> Cheers,
> Martín.
> Am Mi., 27. Jan. 2021 um 16:21 Uhr schrieb ebenezer <
> ebene...@thedorsetpagdens.plus.com>:
>> Hello Martin,
>> No, I can use DrumStaff. I'm still experimenting with LilyPond, finding
>> out what works easily and what doesn't.
>> Aesthetically, a RhythmicStaff looks better, so if it's something I can
>> accomplish without too much effort (~1 day), I would delve deeper.
>> Since posting I have found that Drum_note_performer will output MIDI, but
>> it's a soft piano sound, so I am now stuck at this point.
>> Thanks.
>> On 2021-01-27 13:22, Martín Rincón Botero wrote:
>> Hello,
>> is there any reason for not using DrumStaff if that works fine for MIDI?
>> Regards,
>> Martín.
>> www.martinrinconbotero.com
>> On 27. Jan 2021, 11:52 +0100, ebenezer
>> <ebene...@thedorsetpagdens.plus.com> <ebene...@thedorsetpagdens.plus.com>,
>> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am attempting to use a percussion staff for a bongo part in a score.
>> staffBongo = \drummode {
>> boh4_\markup { \sans boh } boho8 bohm8 % -- and so on...
>> }
>> partBongo = \new RhythmicStaff \with {
>> } \staffBongo
>> doesn't output any MIDI. Note that using a DrumStaff works fine. The
>> contexts under \midi {} are the same for both DrumStaff and RhythmicStaff.
>> What am I doing that is incorrect, please?
>> Thanks.
> --
> www.martinrinconbotero.com


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