Hello, Sometimes stems push things that are outside-staff further outside, even with things like TabStaff, which removes the Stem stencil. Take this, for example:
\version "2.23.0" \new TabStaff \with { \revert Stem.stencil \revert TextScript.stencil \consists "Timing_translator" % \override Beam.quantized-positions = ##f }{ \time 2/4 << { a,8^A a'^B } \\ { c''4 r4 } >> } The B is significantly higher than the A, because the calculated stem sticks outside the staff. This happens even when the stem stencil isn't reverted, but I reverted it to show what I think is going on. It happens without the Timing_translator as well, though it's less pronounced. I would like to completely shut off the internal stem calculation in order to get the A and the B on the same level, but I can't figure out how. I was able to shut off the calculation for stem lengths by setting Beam.quantized-positions to false, but this results in lilypond errors. Thanks for the help! Brian Bartling