I have a piece in 5/8 which includes a passage of 32nd notes. I would like to have it so that the beams are subdivided. I would like the first 10 notes beamed with subdivisions of 4 and then 6 32nd notes, then a repeat of that for the second 10.
Here is what I tried to do to make that happen. \version "2.20.0" \score { << \new Staff << { \time 5/8 \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1 64) \set beatStructure = #'( 8 12 8 12 ) \set subdivideBeams = ##t b32[ b b b b b b b b b] b32[ b b b b b b b b b] } >> >> } The first set of 10 looks perfect, but the second set of 10 has a secondary beam connecting the group of 4 to the group of 6. Can you help me out with why this is happening and what I can do to correct it?