Richard Shann <> writes:

> On Mon, 2021-01-04 at 00:45 +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Richard Shann <> writes:
>> > My understanding of the \beamExceptions function in 2.20 was that
>> > you
>> > should be able to pass it a complete bar beamed as you would wish
>> > and
>> > expect other bars with the same beat structure to be beamed to
>> > match.
>> But you did not pass \beamExceptions a bar beamed as you would wish.
>> You passed it a bar with beaming depending on a combination of
>> automatic
>> beaming and beaming exceptions.
> ah, I see, thanks.


> I think I'll need to write a script to place manual beams throughout a
> movement to match a sample bar, as thinking about it, it would be too
> much to expect LilyPond to do this sort of thing.

Beaming exceptions and rules go a long way actually, but it's optimistic
that throwing some real music instead of manually designed patterns at
\beamExceptions is going to do a comprehensive job.  Even then, every
beam in that real music needs to be explicitly manually beamed.

David Kastrup

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