Hi Kenneth, Tiny example? Version? How about: \version "2.20"
sfb = #(make-dynamic-script #{ \markup { \dynamic "sf" \normal-text\italic "bell-like" } #}) niente = #(make-dynamic-script #{ \markup { \normal-text\italic "niente" } #}) \layout { indent = 0 ragged-right = ##f } { \clef F \time 6/8 \key d\minor d2.-> ~\sfb\> 2. 2.->~\sf\> 2. a,2.->~\sf\> 2.~ 4. r\niente } HTH, cheers, Pierre Le dim. 20 déc. 2020 à 07:09, Kenneth Wolcott <kennethwolc...@gmail.com> a écrit : > Hi; > > I've looked in Learning, Notation and Snippets. > > I have attached a screenshot containing the markup that I need. > > Basically, a dynamic, followed by the hairpin, and sometimes, some > text at the right side of the hairpin. > > This needs to be all on the same horizontal line, so I know all need > to be in the markup. > > I know markup has a dynamic option. > > I know markup has a text option with formatting options. > > But how to insert the hairpin (in this case I need a decrescendo). > > I feel that the answer is staring me in the face, but I can't see it. > > Thanks, > Ken Wolcott >