Greetings Michael,

I believe that, in your \with block, you should add the following lines:

      fontSize = #-3
      \override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -3)


Hwaen Ch'uqi

On 12/7/20, Michael Blankenship <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m trying to use an instrument name as a sort of clef for a 12 line staff,
> where a column of characters are engraved just before the staff and each row
> of characters lines up with one of the 11 staff spaces.
> So far I’ve only been able to assign the column of text to the instrument
> name, but it’s WAY to big and spaced out. I tried to find the commands to
> tweak the instrument name in the reference manuals, but I just couldn’t
> figure it out. I need to tweak the size of the font, the vertical scale
> (assuming the characters are evenly spaced vertically) and the position. Can
> anyone help out a hapless newbie?
> Here’s the code i’ve got so far:
> \new Staff \with {
> instrumentName = \markup {
>                \roman {
>                  \right-column {
>                    i/iɚ
>                    ɪ
>                    eɪ/ɛ/ɛɚ
>                    æ
>                    ʌ/ə
>                    aɪ/ɑ/ɑ˞/aʊ
>                    ɝ/ɚ
>                    ɔɪ/ɔ˞/ɔ
>                    oʊ
>                    ʊ
>                    uɚ/u
>                } } }
>              shortInstrumentName = \markup {
>                \roman {
>                  \right-column {
>                    i
>                    ɪ
>                    ɛ
>                    æ
>                    ʌ
>                    ɑ
>                    ɝ
>                    ɔ
>                    oʊ
>                    ʊ
>                    u
>                } } }
>               }
> and here’s a screen cap of the output so far:
> Best,
> Michael

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