Hi there, > I’m still working on getting my modified slur spacing issues worked out and > have yet to come up with a solution for the collision between \set stanza = > "*"
I honestly can’t understand what you’re trying to achieve… =\ Having done a lot of work with Schenker graphs — which have a lot of the same issues and "look & feel" as chants — perhaps if you can explain it a little better, I can help figure out a better way to accomplish what you’re attempting. > Are there other ways of inserting space into the lyrics (that will move the > notes above to preserve relative alignment) that I haven’t tried? There’s the obvious manual way: words = \lyricmode { Some \set stanza = "*" \tweak self-alignment-X #-0.25 \markup \concat { words \hspace #2 } \set stanza = "*" toooo \set stanza = "*" go longword \set stanza = "*" un -- der notes } But I still feel like if I knew better what you were trying to do, I could figure out a programmatic way to handle it. Cheers, Kieren. ________________________________ Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his) ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info ‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info