Hi Max,

Caveat: I've not used this personally, my scores are not complex enough.

One of the standard ways of handling this is to use make (https://www.gnu.org/software/make). Basically you write a makefile which tells make which files to compile and use that as the input to Lilypond. Make is clever though, and can select files on the basis of the last time they were changed, or if given parameters (for instance to generate part scores).

See http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.21/Documentation/usage/make-and-makefiles for Lily's take on this.


On 20/11/2020 16:03, Maximilian Marcoll wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Over last last couple of days I have been thinking about possible ways to organize the engraving of a rather large piece (~45+ staves) in Lilypond. My problem is that the piece in question might undergo significant changes in the future, so I need access to both instrument-wise and measure-wise organisation simultaneously. I am considering to enter the entire music in a huge excel spreadsheet and to write a (python)-script to create one .ly file per voice, storing all the music in variables that can be used both in the full score and the individual parts.

I’m having difficulties imagining that I am the first one to have this idea, but couldn’t find anything online.

Any hints?

Thanks a lot!



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J Martin Rushton MBCS

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