Jonatan Liljedahl wrote:
Hi! I'm new to Lilypond (2.5.18) and this list, and have some questions/comments:
how can I do custom drawing functions?
how can I do custom spanners? I'd like one with a straight line with an arrowhead at the right end: "textA --> textB". TextSpanners can't draw arrows (?) and they don't nest.
some stuff collides, for example ottava and dynamics, and suspedal and dynamics.
Change the padding property on one or the other.
how to pass stuff (args or vars) to postscript markup?
how to add global postscript header code? (for custom postscript functions)
is there any variables available in inline postscript markup to tell anything about the object attached to? (coordinates, etc...)
The origin of the postscript coordinate system will correspond to the normal position of the text script (or syllable if you have the text markup within a lyrics line or ...), which means that
how can I use other fonts in markup? (like for instance Symbol and ZapfDingbats)
how can I turn of drawing of cautionary accidentals? (with modern-cautionary style they are drawn inside parantheses but I'd like them not to be drawn at all)
The set-accidental-style function actually sets the propoerties autoCautionaries and autoAccidentals, that are described in the program reference for the Accidental_engraver (see the end of the page on automatic accidentals). If you want other combinations, you can set these directly. The settings given by the different styles are described in the file scm/music-functions.scm.
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