Thanks Martin, I’ll try this


> On 9 Nov 2020, at 14:04, Martin Neubauer <> wrote:
> Hi Damian,
> During the summer I spent some time diving into the edition engraver
> myself and also noticed that some classes of mods didn't work on the
> first downbeat while others did. (I don't remember exactly which ones
> were problematic, but I can look it up later.) My workaround was to
> insert '\grace s8' at the beginning. (The actual duration shouldn't
> matter, but too long ones might add noticeable empty space.)
> Hope that helps somewhat,
> Martin
>> On 06/11/2020 17:40, damianlegassick wrote:
>> Hi
>> I can't persuade edition-engraver to add an \editionMod starting on the
>> downbeat of the first bar. I can't even do it with the from
>> the repo (is that why there's an R1 at the top?).
>> any clues for a workaround or am I being dumb?
>> Damian

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