fiddly one this
\version "2.21.7" \layout { \context { \PianoStaff \consists #Span_stem_engraver } } rhmusic = { \time 3/4 \key e \major \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp <gis b>8[ r16 \change Staff = "upper" e'16] } lhmusic = { \key e \major \clef "bass" << { \once \omit Stem \once \omit Beam \slurDown gis8.( \crossStaff {b16)} } \\ { e,4 }
} \new PianoStaff { << \new Staff = "upper" {\rhmusic} \new Staff = "lower"{\lhmusic}
} On 7 November 2020 at 22:04, Knute Snortum <> wrote: Oh, this is so close! The snippet provided doesn't have the slur from the lower g sharp to the b in it, so I tried adding it. The b is in the lower hand so I tried slurring to the e and then use \shape to fix it, but it produces a programming error. Here's the modified snippet... %%% Start \version "2.21.7" \layout { \context { \PianoStaff \consists #Span_stem_engraver } } rhmusic = { \time 3/4 \key e \major \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp <gis b>8[( r16 % added start paren \change Staff = "upper" e'16]) % added end paren } lhmusic = { \key e \major \clef "bass" << { s8. \crossStaff {b16} } \\ { e,4 } >> } \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "upper" {\rhmusic} \new Staff = "lower"{\lhmusic} %%% End ...and here's the output I get: Starting lilypond 2.21.80 [Untitled (2)]... Processing `/tmp/frescobaldi-l36z197r/tmplwcszgtc/' Parsing... Interpreting music... Preprocessing graphical objects... Finding the ideal number of pages... Fitting music on 1 page... Drawing systems...lilypond: /home/gub/NewGub/gub/target/linux-64/src/ T Interval_t<T>::center() const [with T = double]: Assertion `!is_empty ()' failed. Exited with return code 6. -- Knute Snortum On Sat, Nov 7, 2020 at 1:32 PM Knute Snortum <> wrote: That looks good! Thanks! -- Knute Snortum On Sat, Nov 7, 2020 at 11:09 AM damianlegassick <> wrote:
Try this for starters \version "2.21.7" \layout { \context { \PianoStaff \consists #Span_stem_engraver } } rhmusic = { time 3/4 \key e \major \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp <gis b>8[ r16 \change Staff = "upper" e'16] } lhmusic = { \key e \major \clef "bass" << { s8. \crossStaff {b16} } \\ { e,4 } >> } \new PianoStaff { << \new Staff = "upper" {\rhmusic} \new Staff = "lower"{\lhmusic} >> } On 7 November 2020 at 19:04, Knute Snortum <> wrote: Here's a better MWE with my try using voices in the left hand: %%% Start \version "2.20.0" \language "english" staffUp = \change Staff = "upper" staffDown = \change Staff = "lower" rh = \relative c' { s8. \crossStaff e16 } lh = \relative c' { \clef bass << { <gs b>8[ r16 b] } \\ { e,,4 } >> } \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "upper" { \rh } \new Staff = "lower" { \lh } >> \layout { \context { \PianoStaff \consists #Span_stem_engraver } } } %%% End -- Knute Snortum On Sat, Nov 7, 2020 at 10:48 AM Knute Snortum <> wrote: I have a tricky measure in the Chopin Mazurka I'm working on. The notes need to be on the lower staff (from the right hand) and the last chord is cross staff. I'd like to be able to do something like this... %%% Start \version "2.20.0" staffUp = \change Staff = "upper" staffDown = \change Staff = "lower" \relative c, { \staffDown <gs b>8[ r16 <b \staffUp \crossStaff e> } %%% End ..but of course that doesn't work. I tried something with two voices in the left hand, but ran into problems. I've attached a screenshot of the measure. -- Knute Snortum