Hi Federico,

Update. When checking nothing had changed overnight (ie after a reboot), I accidentally ran it as root again. This time it didn't jam and I could create a new piece from the template, compile it and play it under MIDI, and then change a note and recompile and play. All seems fine, so I think that it must be either a permissions problem (which I though flatpak avoided), or else there is some initialisation in the root account that is not in my account.


On 06/11/2020 12:02, J Martin Rushton wrote:
Hi Federico,


On 05/11/2020 22:47, Federico Bruni wrote:
Hi Martin

Perhaps you added the flathub repository as root using the --user switch? (wrong)

I didn't use --user

Can you paste the output of this command both as root and as normal user?

  flatpak remotes
$ flatpak remotes
Name    Options
flathub system

# flatpak remotes
Name    Options
flathub system

I have this as normal user:

$ flatpak remotes
Name Options
flathub system
flathub-beta user

Did you read this page?

No, I just followed links:
-> https://flatpak.org/setup/
-> https://flatpak.org/setup/CentOS/

You shouldn't be root to install any flatpak application.

That's what I thought, but I get permission errors.  I tried the installation three times: as root, as me and as root again.

I can't remember if adding the repository at system level requires root privileges.

Apparently so.

In a nutshell, if you add a repository using the --user switch, any application installed from that repository will be installed at user level and available only to that user; otherwise the default is system level.

I did the installation by cut-and-paste:

flatpak install flathub org.frescobaldi.Frescobaldi

It installed a load of other system-type things as well:
# flatpak list
Ref                                               Options
org.frescobaldi.Frescobaldi/x86_64/stable         system,current
org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/20.08  system,runtime
org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel/x86_64/20.08 system,runtime
org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264/x86_64/2.0      system,runtime
org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita/x86_64/5.15                system,runtime
org.kde.Platform/x86_64/5.15                      system,runtime

One thing I did notice, the Quick Setup page says: "Flatpak is installed by default on CentOS 7, when using GNOME" and I don't run gnome.  I use Mate on C7 systems, but gnome is available from the login page so all resources should be there.

Many thans and kind regards,

Il giorno gio 5 nov 2020 alle 21:47, J Martin Rushton <martinrushto...@btinternet.com> ha scritto:
Hi Federico,

I welcome this since I've been having problems with Frescobaldi under both CentOS 7 and 8 for a while.

I followed the setup guide on the host CentOS8 machine and downloaded the flathub repository file.  First problem: I had to be root to install it - I thought flatpak was meant to be at user level?

I then installed Frescobaldi (using cut-and-paste).  If I tried to run it as a user I got the message: "error: app/org.frescobaldi.Frescobaldi/x86_64/master not installed".  As a test I tried running it as root (I know, bad practice) and the window opened, but then hung and would not die.

Any suggestions?


On 05/11/2020 20:48, Federico Bruni wrote:
Hi folks

I'm happy to announce that Frescobaldi is now available for Linux users also as flatpak on Flathub:

- LilyPond is bundled, so it's a very simple installation.
- All runtime dependencies are included.
- Sandbox.

- Doumentation browser is not working.
There's something wrong in the way I built PyQtWebEngine...

Current stable installed size is 287 MB. (not including the KDE runtime) Current beta release shipping lilypond 2.21.80 is 245 MB (no need to include python2).

Installing the stable version should be straightforward.
If you want to install the beta version (which currently has only the "stable RC" of lilypond), run these commands:

flatpak remote-add --user flathub-beta https://flathub.org/beta-repo/flathub-beta.flatpakrepo
flatpak install --user flathub-beta org.frescobaldi.Frescobaldi


J Martin Rushton MBCS

J Martin Rushton MBCS

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