Hi Massimiliano,

the code you provided is _very_ old. I modified it a bit in order to work with both possible stem directions and respect rests. Also, there was a hard-coded offset for the cross that can more succinctly be replaced by a \center-align.

I also lenghened the stems a bit. Note that this does not work together with beams - I suspect it's got to do with unpure-pure-containers, which I don't understand :-).


\version "2.21.6"

sp =
  \override Stem.stencil =
  #(lambda (grob)
     (let ((dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
           (length (ly:grob-property grob 'length))
           (actual-stem (ly:stem::print grob)))
       (if (ly:stencil? actual-stem) ; do not add anything if we don't have a stem (e.g. rests)
           (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge actual-stem
                                       (ly:text-interface::print grob)
                                       (+ (* length -0.5) 0.75)) ; 0.75 is the distance from cross to start of notehead
  \override Voice.Stem.text = \markup \center-align \teeny \musicglyph #"noteheads.s2cross"   \override Voice.Stem.length = #(lambda (grob) (+ 0.5 (ly:stem::calc-length grob)))

\relative {
  \sp c'4 d e8[ f g a] b4 r c4 d e
  \undo \sp e d c b a
  \once \sp g f e

Am 31.10.20 um 23:03 schrieb Massimiliano Viel:
And another possibly outrageous question… when I invoke /\sp/, it works from the first following note on to the last note, rests included (!).
How do I stop it?

I showed both \undo\sp and \once\sp in my example.

Enjoy LilyPond - it's amazing what you can achieve with it!


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