Possibly right off the wall, but could you set up a private cloud
instance (something like OwnCloud) and have the students work in there?
The cloud would look after moving work around and syncronising, all you
would need to do is ensure that students don't work on a particular
piece simultaneously. Oh, and for the GUI I'd second Frescobaldi.
On 24/10/2020 07:54, Martín Rincón Botero wrote:
Hi Kieren,
I’m haven’t investigated its collaborative capabilities if any, but
https://www.scorio.com/web/scorio/scorio-music-notator is an online GUI
for Lilypond. Some of its functionality is only available in the paid
version, though. Perhaps it’s an alternative.
On 24. Oct 2020, 04:52 +0200, Kieren MacMillan
<kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>, wrote:
Hi Karlin,
I'm understanding this use case wants...
* No-code GUI music entry
* Runs in a web browser
* Allows collaborative editing
I'm having trouble imagining what "collaborative editing" would look
like in a "No-code GUI." Something like PDF commenting? Has anything
like that ever been seen in the LilyPond ecosystem? Paolo Prete's
Spontini-Editor might be the closest thing I can remember.
I’m thinking of Spontini+Lilybin: there’s a basic Javascript UI to
add/delete elements (notes, rests, etc.), on top of a server-based
Lilypond instance where the code is saved in successive versions (cf.
1. The student works on the file for a while by themselves.
2. They send me a link to the current version (e.g.,
3. I log in and edit the file, and sent them back the "current" link
(e.g., guilily.com/wpeouryckjhg/9).
4. We can both see the current version, and one of us can edit and
save a new "current" version.
To my mind, lilybin already solves the "collaborative editing" part
sufficiently for my needs (and, I’m guessing, the needs of most music
educators I know). The only real gap right now is the GUI. I’m trying
to figure out how much work would be required to make a Javascript (or
something better?) "app" that edits Lily code.
Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info
J Martin Rushton MBCS