Hi Michael,

> I have a question in the form “can lilypond do this?” And I’m desperate for a 
> clear answer. I know nothing about using LilyPond, but I do have some 
> experience with Music21. I have a very complex (but super interesting!) 
> notation workflow producing graphics for my PhD thesis in Music Theory at 
> Eastman that I would love to be able to automate as much of as possible. I’m 
> a Sibelius user, and I just don’t know what LilyPond is capable of, and while 
> I’m willing to put in the work for a solution, I’m on a deadline and don’t 
> have time to learn a whole new workflow only to discover that it doesn’t 
> work. So I'm really just looking for a "yeah, you could totally streamline 
> your transcription process with LilyPond" or "no, it does not have the 
> functionality you're looking for."

> So, can LilyPond help me with any of this? Or is it too much?

As someone who has done a *lot* of astonishing [to me] things in Lilypond — 
such as drawing full Tonnetz graphs — my short answer is: “Yeah, Lilypond can 
do that, and way better than any workflow in Sibelius or similar.”  ;)

I’d be happy to help, to whatever extent I can.


Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info

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