Le 18/10/2020 à 17:40, Marc Shepherd a écrit :
In a score where "RemoveAllEmptyStaves" is set, a staff will normally not show in a system where it has all rests.

Sometimes, you may /want/a staff (temporarily) to appear on a specific system, even though it contains all rests. What’s the command or setting to do this?

Marc Shepherd

Well, I can't explain the output of:

\version "2.23.0"

showIt = \set Staff.keepAliveInterfaces = #'(rest-interface)
hideIt = \unset Staff.keepAliveInterfaces

\new Score \with \RemoveAllEmptyStaves
    R1 R1 R1 \break
    R1 R1 R1 \break
    R1 R1 R1 \break
    R1 R1 R1 \break
    R1 R1 R1 \break
    \repeat unfold 15 { c'1 }

I would expect just the third staff to be shown, but in fact the second and the fourth are also printed.

Do folks here think this is a bug? Am I missing something?

Anyway, there is this workaround:

\version "2.23.0"

\new Score \with \RemoveAllEmptyStaves
    << { \oneVoice R1 } \\ { \once \hideNotes c'1 } >> \break
    \repeat unfold 3 { c'1 }


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