On Sat, 17 Oct 2020 at 18:29, Marc Shepherd <oakapp...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Kieren's example does indeed work with LP 2.21.2. However, the distribution for 2.21.2 seems to "break" a number of other functions; for instance, \fermataMarkup no longer works. > > Anyhow, I am still in the market for a better way to do this, but for the time being will just turn off bar numbers selectively whenever a rehearsal mark appears at the start of a system. > > I did a search of the archives, and I see this has been a much discussed topic over the years!
Hello, When using a newer version of LilyPond use convert-ly to update your files. http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.21/Documentation/usage/updating-files-with-convert_002dly.html Cheers, Xavier -- Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>