Hello All,

Having made the decision that OLL is worth preserving (thank you all
for your feedback), I have thrown my efforts in to setting it all up
anew, with a principal aim of making it easier to use and better well
known. OLL has languished somewhat in obscurity for a while, only
really utilized by those in the know. I know both Urs and myself want
to see it more widely appreciated and further developed.

As mentioned in an earlier post I will be starting afresh with a new
git project at Gitlab. I will do that over the next few days.

I have created a website for OLL with Wordpress running on my own
virtual Linux Server in Singapore (or is it New York? !) This I
envision as a central hub for OLL activities and information,
especially documentation and tutorial material. Here's the site, in
initial release, with much to do.


Please observe the TLD is .space and not .org.

As a further comment., I do a lot of work making websites and mailing
lists as well as engraving 300 page string quartets in lilypond, so I
am contemplating setting up a Discouse server as a forum for OLL
discussion. Discourse supports 95% of what traditional email lists do
in parallel to being a very widely used web forum platform now. I
myself am the one very wary of balkanisation of lilypond development
effort, and I am not entirely happy with setting up a separate world
for OLL, but presently with no sign of OLL becoming integrated into
Lilypond core, I think having an OLL ecosystem independent of the
lilypond-user mailing list is worthwhile. I may be wrong! In any case,
we need it for the documentation.

I am providing the resources at my own expense, but there are costs
such as domain name registration, server hosting. Wordpress bits and
bobs and so on. Not right now, but I may make a polite request on the
OLL website for donations in the future to run the system. Very small
beer amounts.This I only mention as I have complex health issues (a
very rare incurable blood cancer) that forced me out the workforce
some time ago and I no longer have a salary, else I would happily pay
for all this myself. To that extent also, although I don't need
technical help presently with the OLL move, and I do appreciate people
having made kind offers, I will be looking in the medium term to hand
over to other people. Speaking as an IT Enterprise Architect (my
former work) this I term Succession Planning - and it's just as
important as coding and debugging.


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