Hi Martín, > Anyways, I couldn't make use of any of your suggestions. I couldn't figure > out how to apply the mentioned tweaks.
Here’s one possibility: %%%% \version "2.20.0" fixa = \tweak NoteColumn.X-offset #-3 \etc fixb = \tweak NoteColumn.X-offset #-2 \etc fixc = \tweak Accidental.X-extent #'(1 . -0.5) \tweak NoteHead.extra-spacing-width #'(-1 . -1) \etc fixd = \tweak NoteColumn.X-offset #0.875 \etc { << \relative c''' { r4 \appoggiatura { \fixa cis32 \fixb b \fixc ais } b4 gis' e } \relative c'' { gis8 \fixd b gis b gis b gis b } >> } %%%% Note that I had to unfold the \repeat in the lower staff, in order to easily apply the tweak to the correct moment. This is one of the [many!] reasons I use the edition-engraver: you can inject the tweak at an exact moment, regardless of how the musical elements in that moment were generated. Hope this helps! Kieren. ________________________________ Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his) ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info ‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info