Well, despite two of today's statements arguing otherwise I must say I
have come to a different conclusion. I have given myself exactly two
weeks to make a determination, and I realized I have obviously
overestimated the value and impact of my pet project openLilyLib. The
two weeks until yesterday since my (I think pretty strong and explicit)
statement did not trigger *anything* except one stupid and off-topic
discussion. So I realize there is no substantial need for openLilyLib,
and I don't have the resources left (in terms of time and mental or
physical energy) to push it forward without community support. And to
be honest, to include \shapeII into LilyPond or not is definitely not a
matter of having openLilyLib or not.
So today I copied all the relevant repositories to my own Git server
and removed myself from the corresponding Github organizations. I will
use what is there to complete three substantial projects I still have
on my desktop. Everything that is necessary to use and improve the
library and the packages is still freely available and appropriately
licensed, so if anybody considers it worth the effort they can do with
it whatever seems suitable.
Hi Urs,
Well, for me it's rather that I was initally willing to reply but the
side track turned me off.
I need to admit I have never really tried openLilyLib, mostly because it
requires always running LilyPond with some magic option.
I think there is potential in LilyPond packaging, as the LSR evidences.
(What strikes me most in openLilyLib is its package for alternate notation
I have long had the project of a kind of mix between the LSR and
snippets repository, to combine the Git workflow and a web interface. I will
raise this in my priority list.
Kind regards,
Those few who know more about the background shouldn't worry too much
about the final character of this statement ...
No clue what you meant here. Is 'character' as in novels, or strings?
PPS: I see you shut down openlilylib.org. Is the source archived somewhere
so I can better understand openLilyLib?