Hi List,
I'm trying to understand the difference between "outline" and "dimensions":

\version "2.20.0"
\markup {
    \filled-box #'(-1 . 4) #'(-1 . 2.5) #1
    \override #'(style . outline)
    \override #'(thickness . 3)
    \with-outline "555"  "5" "6789"
\markup {
    \filled-box #'(-1 . 4) #'(-1 . 2.5) #1
    \override #'(style . outline)
    \override #'(thickness . 3)
    \with-dimensions-from "555"  "5" "6789"

Can anyone show me a clearer example?
TIA, cheers,

Hi Pierre,

Looks like we're temporarily swapping roles…

From the code, I believe outlines as in \with-outline are the contour used by skylines, so it will only make a difference in spacing. They are different from the outlines drawn by \whiteout, I think.

Below, a somewhat far-fetched example:

\version "2.21.7"

hugeTilde = \markup \scale #'(4 . -4) "~"

{ c'1-\markup \with-dimensions-from \hugeTilde "5" -> }
{ c'1-\markup \with-outline \hugeTilde "5" -> }

Attached is the output when using the -d debug-skylines option.

In daily practice, I'm not sure it makes a significant difference though.


Attachment: tmp.cropped.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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