Hi David,

Am 03.10.20 um 06:43 schrieb David Wright:
Alternatively, you can use   \set associatedVoice   to switch voices, or
yet again, a NullVoice, which is somewhat similar to the suggestion below.
These have the advantage of not affecting any MIDI you might require.
Yes, \set associatedVoice is handy sometimes, good idea :-).
If you have no reason to stick with 2.18.2, you can \addlyrics to
the staff, ie both voices. I've commandeered the revised version
to illustrate.

That's really interesting - I must have missed that change. To wit:

\version "2.19"

\new Staff <<
  \relative { c''4 b c2 } \\
  \relative { g'2 e4 c4 } \\
>> \addlyrics { One two three four. }

Amazing. Thanks!

And another clarification: \addlyrics \with { ... } is also a construction that needs current Lilypond. 2.18.2 knows \addlyrics but doesn't accept context modification by \with. Try compiling

\version "2.18.2"

\new Staff \relative { c'4 d e2 }
\addlyrics { I will work. }

\new Staff \relative { c'4 d e2 }
\addlyrics \with { \override LyricText.font-size = 5 }
{ Will I work? }

with 2.18.2 and 2.20.

The words needed some syllables added, as there has
to be a one for each and every moment (a note in either part).
Otherwise, just the upper part of the ChoirStaff needed modification.

Ah, if I understand correctly, that is the drawback of the \new Staff { ... } \addlyrics approach?


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