I am trying to add support for lilypond files to the solfege wiki.
How can I best generate a png of the content of a lilypond file?
I am adding a 
\header { tagline="" pagenumber=""}
to the top of each file.

The makefile snippet below is how I'm trying to generate a png at the
moment. The problem is that if the lilypond file ontain only a short
snippet, and has raggedright=##t, then the file is generated at a very
high resolution. You can see an example at

The second image has the same width as the first, but I want it to be
much smaller because it is only two bars.

Can anyone give me a hint how to do this? I am using lilypond 2.2 at the

%.ps: %.ly
        lilypond --safe-mode $<

%.epsi: %.ps
        ps2epsi $< $@

%.ppm: %.epsi
        pstopnm -stdout $< > $@

%.png: %.ppm
        cat $< | pnmflip -cw | pnmtopng >$@

        -rm -f *.png *.ppm
Tom Cato Amundsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.solfege.org/
GNU Solfege - free ear training    http://www.gnu.org/software/solfege/

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