Hello all

I certainly remember having this same question or confusion. The fact that there is a specific \cresc led me to believe that there ought to be a specific \rit as well. May I suggest that a new Subsection 1.3.4 "Other expressive marks" be added to the Notation manual, simply explaining that "rit." and friends don't need individual commands, and should be dealt with as text markup, with a link to Section 1.8?
"Rit." *IS* an "expressive mark" just as much as "cresc." is, 
after all, and the fact that it isn't mentioned in Section 1.3 
tends to make it look as if Lilypond just isn't capable of "rit." 
- which of course seems strange. A person who's at the stage of 
trying to find out how to put a "rit." into their score is 
unlikely to know that they need to look in Section 1.8.
David R

Kenneth Wolcott <kennethwolc...@gmail.com> writes:

Thank you! It worked! I added "\bold".


On Sun, Jul 5, 2020 at 8:00 PM Hwaen Ch'uqi <hwaench...@gmail.com> wrote:
Greetings Ken,

Not exactly sure what you mean by "simple." I just insert a markup
where I wish the rit. to begin, as in

_\markup \italic "rit."


Hwaen Ch'uqi

On 7/5/20, Kenneth Wolcott <kennethwolc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi;
> Looks like I must be missing something obvious in the > lilypond docs
> (2.20.2)...
>   How to insert a "rit."?
> I saw the following in the "Hiding the extender line for text > dynamics"
> snippet.
> \relative c'' {
>   \override DynamicTextSpanner.style = #'none
>   \crescTextCresc
>   c1\< | d | b | c\!
> }
> Obviously snippet pertains to dynamics; is there something > similar for
> tempo adjustments?

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