On 2020-09-20 9:52 pm, Andrew Bernard wrote:
Using LSR 891 as a base pattern, how can you fill the path with a colour, such as white?
ly:stencil-in-color and ly:stencil-add should help: %%%% \version "2.18.2" tri = #(let ((coords '((-0.5 0) (0 -1) (0.5 0))) (thick 0.1) (scale-x 1) (scale-y 1) (closed? #t) (stroke black) (fill white)) (ly:stencil-add (apply ly:stencil-in-color (make-connected-path-stencil coords thick scale-x scale-y closed? #t) fill) (apply ly:stencil-in-color (make-connected-path-stencil coords thick scale-x scale-y closed? #f) stroke))) { \override NoteHead.stencil = \tri \override NoteHead.stem-attachment = #'(1 . 0.7) e'4 f' g' a' } %%%% -- Aaron Hill