Am Mittwoch, den 09.09.2020, 00:55 -0500 schrieb Fernando Gil:
> I'm sorry if this question does not belong here:
> I'm sorry if this question does not belong here.

It's OK to post this here, although would be the canonical

> I'm trying to use lilyglyphs with TeX but no matter if it's a large
> code or a small one like this one below, it prints a square as you
> can see in the attachment.
> I've tried changing the text font but with no luck.

This is a known issue and has been fixed in
but not included in a release yet.

Unfortunately there's a bigger issue with using outdated Python 2 code,
due to which lilyglyphs has been removed from TeX Live on several Linux

If I find the time to fix that (or if anybody would volunteer with that
- should be pretty easy), I'll certainly release an update including
your issue with the square.


> %%
> \documentclass[10pt]{article}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \usepackage{lilyglyphs}
> \usepackage{babel}
> \begin{document}
> Hello \natural{} this is another \flatflat{} text.
> \end{document}
> %%
> After hours, I discovered another issue: When using lilyglyphs with
> babel package with a language option like this:
> \usepackage[spanish]{babel} the document does not compile, because of
> an interaction between these two packages that I don't understand.
> I'm on mac (TeXLive 2020)
> Hoping Urs or any other have a potential solution,
> Cheers,
> Fernando

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