I'm feeling totally stupid, but after hours of nightly poking and ly:message "debugging" around I'm at least at a point where I can ask concrete questions instead of an MWE.
In https://github.com/openlilylib/oll-core/blob/master/internal/properties.scm#L566-L611 (may not be the latest state!) I'm trying to create a macro and get messed up with quoting etc. In https://github.com/openlilylib/oll-core/blob/master/usage-examples/properties.ly#L10 a symbol list demo.props is created and properly handled. But in https://github.com/openlilylib/oll-core/blob/master/usage-examples/properties.ly#L50-L51 a (quasi)quoted list isn't managed correctly. I would now use '(demo props) here to create a regular symbol list, but this ends up as (quote (demo props)) in the macro. When used later in https://github.com/openlilylib/oll-core/blob/master/internal/properties.scm#L20 (append '(_propsets) propset-path)) will result in (list (quote _propsets) (quote quote) (list (quote demo) (quote props))) Spo the question must be simple and me stupid, but how can I add the symbol list as an argument in Scheme (in the macro invication) so the last call will result in a flat symbol list? Thanks for any pointer, hint or solution! Urs