Hi Alasdair,

what about

mx = \markup { \translate #'(1.5 . -1.5) \teeny \sans x }
 \score {


Am Mi., 2. Sept. 2020 um 08:00 Uhr schrieb Alasdair McAndrew <

> In my attempt to typeset some early 18th century French music for viola da
> gamba, I'm trying to keep to the original notation as closely as possible.
> Thus I'm using a breath mark to indicate a trill, and a sans-serif x for a
> mordent.  So for example, I have
> mx = \markup {\teeny \sans x}
> But to put this symbol next to its note (where it belongs), I have to
> write something like
>  \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(1.5 . -1.5) f4.^\mx
> to ensure it goes in the right place.  Is there any way of simplifying
> this?  Ideally, it'd be nice to be able to write something like
> f4.^{\mx 1.5 -1.5}
> and leave all the once override stuff out of the score itself.  Or is
> there another way of placing a symbol where I want it?
> Thanks,
> Alasdair
> --
> https://numbersandshapes.net


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